Alabama Wolf Records
1.) Alabama Wolf Records Map
The map below documents the wolf records from Alabama via various federal, state, and community sources.
Clicking on each pin will bring up the details of the reports, and if available, any photos or scans of the actual report. Click on the partial photo above the title on each pop up with give you a view of the entire photo of the original report.
Dark Maroon = records from 1776 to 1896
Red = records from 1900 to 1915
Orange = records from 1917 to 1926
Yellow = records from 1930 to 1953
Please note: This is an ongoing educational project that reflects a few years of our research including, but not limited to, publicly available records, published and unpublished state and federal documents, unpublished historical correspondence, and reports from historical periodicals. All herein is either public domain or has been included under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act for the purposes of criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, educational research, and all other nonprofit educational usages. Credit to copyright holders and/or repositories has been if given available.